Betfair Forum is one of the most popular Betting Forums in the UK and the world. It’s a betting forum founded by the popular online gambling service provider, Betfair Slots, with the intention of people to share different opinions on sports, games, opinions on trending topics on Betfair among other matters.

Betfair forum is divided into several sections, and you could literary find an answer to any of your problem. For instance, if you are faced with a dilemma on which teams to pick for your bets, you could easily log onto the Betfair Forum football section and post your question.
With the constant number of people online at the Betfair Forum, you’ll have your answer in a matter of seconds. You can also look up at the past posts and try to see if your question has ever been asked in the past.
How Do You Join Betfair Forum?
Being part of the Betfair community is as easy as signing up for any social media account. However, you must have an account with the Betfair Casino, which has been fully validated through the Betfair KYC services.
If you’ve met this condition and you would wish to open an account and become part of the Betfair Forum, you will have to send an email to accompanied by your Betfair username after which the Betfair administration will take a further look into your application.

If you don't have met the conditions, you will, unfortunately, be disqualified, and the administrator who shall be looking at your documents will send you an email regarding the same.
Take note that once you qualify for an account, and you are found to be breaching the T&C’s set at Betfair, your access to the Betfair community shall be revoked with immediate effect.
How Does Betfair Resolve its Disputes?
Betfair, just like other several online gambling websites, like to ensure that every player at the site is fully satisfied with the products and services that they offer.
They may sometimes fall short of your expectations and feel that you need to raise a complaint so that the necessary action can be taken. For such a case, you shall be required to contact the customer care for further assistance.

If after raising your complaint with the customer care and still feel that little has been done to address the issue at Betfair forum, you can further email and your concern shall be looked at by the online casino management team.
You should remember to include your username and details regarding your previous complaint. If the internal procedures have been exhausted, and still no action has been taken to look at your work, you can forward your complaint to the Independent Betting Adjudication Service, to carry out an investigation.
Email with your complaint and username. Take note that IBAS decision is final and non-reversible.
Some Principle Betfair Forum Guidelines
Like stated before, Betfair Forum is purely intended for honest comments, meaningful discussions, and sharing of your opinions regarding sports, gaming and other matters that are trending at the Betfair website. It's, therefore, Betfair’s responsibility to try and ensure that every member of the Betfair Forum community is on his best behavior.

For this reason, they have a few T&C’s that you shall agree to follow to the letter when you sign up. Some important T&C’s that you shouldn’t ignore include:
Anytime you post a blog, picture or a comment; you shall be responsible for it. Other users in the Betfair Forum community can flag anything they deem inappropriate by clicking on the “Report” tab or emailing the Betfair Forum customer team after which they will remove anything they deem to be inappropriate.
Betfair Forum admin will try to make full sense of the community, but there are things that aren’t allowed in the forum. Specifically, any comments that they consider being defamatory. In case you are not up to speed with what is considered defamatory, please read the T&C’s regarding the same.
Harassment, bullying and being downright unpleasant isn’t the main objective of having the Betfair Forum and the community at large, and any of the mentioned characteristics won’t be tolerated.
The community isn’t actively managed, so they heavily depend on the community members to report such cases. Should you feel that you are on the receiving end, you can let them know through the email or click on the report tab to report such an incident.

Anyone trying to promote third party products at the Betfair Forum shall have his/her account immediately suspended and the threads removed from the community forum.
All the Betfair Forum members have to be 18 years and above to make any contribution to the forum. You also have to be located anywhere in the world besides the US and Turkey to participate in the Betfair Forum.
Lastly, although Betfair does take any form of breach to the T&C’s very serious, they are unlikely to take action against any post which doesn’t breach the set T&C’s with the thread amounting to a heated debate among members of the forum. In fact, you are encouraged to post such threads regularly to keep the community active at all times.
Categories That You Can Join at Betfair Forum
Being the largest online gambling community, the Betfair Forum is divided into several sub-sections solely to accommodate people with different opinions. Betfair Forum is divided into four main categories which are as follows:
The Announcements Section
Under this section, you will be updated on the service provided at the forum, any new products, and features as well as the forum chat section.
The Sports Section
The Sports section at Betfair Forum contains most of the activities carried out at the site. It is the section where all the sporting activities from across the world are discussed.

You can post a comment here and let the other Betfair Forum members contribute. They can either agree or disagree with you.
The Poker Section
This section features all the poker information that you wish to know of. It also contains tips and testimonials of how some people have become professional poker players.
The Games Section
This section gives you an opportunity of accessing Betfair Casino games directly without having to log onto the Betfair official website.